Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Wrap Up. Better Late Than Never.

I am late to things these days. Time slips away from me and I am constantly playing catch up! I guess that is life with an 11 month old. So I am late with my holiday post but I am posting it anyway!

It has been more than a week since we all said "Merry Christmas!" and wrote about our holiday with family and friends. I am doing it today because I can.

We don't have family in LA or California for that matter so we flew to Texas for Christmas with the families! We spent our days visiting lots family and friends. Our nights were spent eating home cooked meals and drinking wine. We baked, we ate the baked goods, we made more. We shopped on the dreaded Eve of Christmas and survived to tell about it. Parking mayhem at its best! We talked about our past Christmases and just enjoyed watching the baby look at the Christmas tree and lights.

Gifts we wrapped and tucked under the tree. I was so giddy it was ridiculous. This was Baby D's first Christmas and I had high hopes of some crazy excitement from this kid. Then I realized he is 11 months old! He doesn't know what's up! All the paper was piled in the center of the floor after all the gifts were unwrapped and he liked playing with that better than tearing it up. Did he like opening gifts? Hell no! He didn't even bother with ripping paper! How could he not want to rip something? He is 11 months old AND a boy! Don't they destroy everything????? He rips my magazines up like he's a human paper shredder!

I grew up opening presents under this tree. There was something special about having Baby D do the same.

This year we added one more stocking to the mantel.

We also started the tradition of leaving cookies for Santa. The hubs and I took these down like champs!

Santa left a letter for D and an ornament.

After time in South Texas we went on to Dallas to visit B's family. Traveling with an 11 month old is nuts. He doesn't like to sit still these days and would rather roam the plane then sit on my lap and play with the food tray. We do what we can!
He is a trooper though. He has been on 6 planes in the last month and a half. Needless to say we are ready to hunker down at home for awhile!

While in Dallas we visited the Gaylord Texan Hotel. This place is AMAZING at Christmas. It was gorgeous! They had so much to do for little kids. We will definitely be back there when he is a little older.
He did enjoy all the lights and the trains though!

Christmas 2010 is in the books and it was a wonderful one full of memories to last a lifetime. And actually I couldn't ask for anything more.

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