Sunday, August 29, 2010

Home is where the Heart is.

We are in Texas, y'all!
I never knew the temperature in hell and in Texas were one in the same some days. We have a few more days here and then back to La La Land where it's much cooler and you don't need 5 coats of deodorant!
I don't blow dry my hair in Texas anymore for 2 reasons:
1- I start sweating immediately even with the AC on, thus defeating the purpose of a shower which we all know is a real treat when you have a baby.
2- My hair dries faster outside than it would with the dryer. I am all about saving the environment and conserving electricity so this works out great! Two birds, One stone. Done.
I grew up in Texas but never really remember the scorching summers full of temperatures over 100 degrees everyday SINGLE day. When 92 degrees is a cool day for people there is a problem!
Our visit here has been fantastic and we have gotten to see so many friends and family members and I REALLY don't want to leave! Picture a little girl stomping her feet and saying "I don't wanna!" like 10 times in a row. Yeah, that's me. Little braids and all.
Don't get me wrong, I love where we live. We have a group of amazing friends that we do a lot with and have become very close to. We all have kids close in age, too. Huge bonus because we all know that most of your friends that don't have kids all of the sudden become non-existent. Like you have the plague now that you have a kid or something.
LA is an amazing city with a ton of fun stuff to do. We are never short of activities to partake in as a family a baby. Whether it is a free Jazz Night at the LA County Museum or a trip to the Farmer's Market for produce and lunch, we never fail to find something that is family friendly and guaranteed to bring the fun. Plus we live 20 minutes from the beach. Added bonus!
And while I do like LA and our life there, I miss both of our families something crazy. It has always been hard to be away from everyone, but now that I have Baby D it is extra hard. And I promise it is not because we would have an instant babysitter if they lived close by. Although that would make it a lot easier for us to take that trip to Vegas!
I always grew up close to family and spent a ton of time with all of them. My cousins were my brothers and sisters since I don't have any. We spent all the holidays together and those are some of my fondest memories. Opening presents on Christmas Day, eating ham and turkey on Thanksgiving, and hunting a ton of Easter eggs. I want Baby D to have those same memories with everyone. Those same family traditions. I want him to know that family is everything and to know that they will be there for you when you need them most. I promised him I would do everything I can to make that happen and to help him have the best family memories. Even if it means taking a flight with him that is an all day affair with no help, lots of bags, and a stroller that is hard to collapse! I will make it happen! I might need a drink (or two) on the plane, but we will make that trip for the sake of some fabulous family photos and a ton of memories.
For now our life is in California and it is a good one at that. We are happy, healthy, and so blessed to have the life we do there. But I guess you could say the rest of my life is "Deep In the Heart of Texas" and we will be back to fill that heart with more great family memories very soon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's a Bloggy Blog World and I'm gonna TRY to live in It.

I jumped on the Blogwagon!

This is my first post as a blogger. Actually it is my first post as a blogger where I am not posting for family that will tell me "This is great!" "I love your blog!" and "You are so funny!" in hopes that it makes me keep up with the blogging so they can see their grandbaby!

The bloggy world is all kinds of crazy and hardcore. People vote on blogs! Like hand out awards and such. Moms go to conferences to learn how to be bigger and better bloggers. Trust me, I know. I follow them on Twitter and was slightly jealous that they were having a blast in NYC and learning how to make their blogs even better than they already are, all while having drinks on a rooftop somewhere. I was more jealous of the NYC and cocktails!

I, by no means, am attempting to be at the level of all the Mom Blogs I read with my morning (or afternoon, depending on how the day goes) coffee. This is just a way for me to write and perfect the skill of writing. Most of all to get those "mama fears" out there and hopefully the few readers I hope to have will comment that I am not alone. I am all about the eat, sleep, poop discussions these days.

This is me and my Baby D. He is the love of my life besides the husband who helped create him. I would do anything for this kid!

And this is my little family. The husband and I live in LA and are learning the ins and outs of parenthood day by day. The husband is all kinds of win and I love him a lot. Like a lot, a lot!

I wouldn't want to be on this journey with anyone else!

All this being said I hope to continue on the bloggy path and learn a little as I go and make some new friends along the way. After all, life is all about learning and I know I have A LOT of just that to do!