Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's A Family Tradition.

Traditions are such an important part of my life.
Growing up we had many traditions we partook in every holiday and they bring back fond memories of huge family gatherings, lots of food, laughs, and photos.

Living in Los Angeles and not close to any of our family members, I was bound and determined to start our own traditions when we had Baby D. The wheels started turning and I had grand visions of Pumpkin Patches, Easter Egg Hunts, Trimming the Christmas Tree while listening to Christmas carols, and Apple Picking.

I have ALWAYS wanted to go Apple Picking! In fact I am slightly obsessed with the thought of it! I spent days looking up the best places in LA to go picking at. I asked people on Twitter about it. I planned the day, outfit, photo ops, etc. I said I was obsessed!

Last Saturday we packed up and made the 9o minute drive to Oak Glen and Riley's at Los Rios Rancho with an 8 month old to go pick some apples and start one of our many family traditions.

The baby cowboy boots Baby D received as a gift were the perfect "footwear" for the day.
They stayed on all of 10 minutes!

I had these thoughts of sweaters and boots to wear that day. Perhaps a nice cool day of picking apples and feeling like fall was finally upon us in Southern California. HA! That was not the case. It was HOT! And sweaters were not part of the attire. Not. Even. Close.
"This is not the East Coast" I was reminded several times that day by a certain father of my child.

On the picking agenda for the day were Rome, Red Delicious, and Granny Smiths.

Baby D got in on the picking action and even tasted the fruits of his labor.
*We washed the apple before he gnawed on it*

And my vision of the perfect photo op was indeed just that.

I will forever cherish the memories this day brought for us and remember that family truly is the most important thing in life.
And I will also be in the kitchen making everything Apple related for the next few weeks!

What are some of your favorite holiday or just family related traditions? How important are traditions to you and your family? Are there any new traditions you started with your family that you never did growing up?


  1. Hey Alana! D's sweet little face... eating apples on that crate in the cutest cowboy boots that ever existed (I've been in love with them for months but can't bring myself to fork over the $70 - though now I'm more tempted than ever!)... anyways, those photos are the world's best photo shoot EVER! Gorgeous! It's funny because apple picking is a tradition that Rob and I started for ourselves about 10 years ago, something neither of our families did when we grew up, but that we love to do in October to sort of pre-kick off the holiday season. It's killer hot in Tucson too, but we pretend. Your day looks like it was picture perfect, the beginning of many many amazing traditions & holidays. Have fun with those apples mama! xoxoxoxox

  2. My 4 year old would be drooling over those boots if he saw this post right now...and good thing he can't cuz it's like way past midnight here ;-) Such cute pics of D! I too love traditions and grew up with many strong traditions that are still in place today. However, my husband's family wasn't big on traditions, so we're still finding a balance in our family!

  3. These photos certainly are precious, as is your little guy. :) It's been so nice talking to you on Twitter. And by the way, I love your name. We named our little girl Alana after my best friend Lana.
    Again, great photos! :)

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

    PS Sorry to hear that the sweaters weren't an option. lol

  4. Love these photos Alana! We took Lil J and Miss S to the local pumpkin patch on the weekend. It was our first time there! They had a mini corn maze which we got lost in, a trail with cute little gnome displays and tons of room for Lil J to run around!

    Come to Vancouver soon! Sweaters are an option here right now ;)


  5. These photos are too cute. We just took our little guy to the pumpkin patch yesterday and when he took off running - and falling - down the rows of pumpkins my heart about exploded. I love fall and creating new traditions with my little family. I agree on the weather too. I insisted on a long sleeve t and pants for the patch, but he could have easily been in shorts. SoCal. Heh.

  6. Love the boots and these photos are priceless! Can't wait to hear about the apple-licious treats you've been baking. MmMmmMm fall... :)

  7. Love the boots!!
    Love his rugged cool style!!


  8. Hudson has the same boots! Hilarious! My mom bought them for him before he was born & it's funny since I didn't know what I was having. I love them. They are hilarious.

  9. I love these boots so much! He doesn't wear them much but they are definitely cute!
