Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday. 9 Months Ago Today He Came Home.


  1. Glowing mama & tiny baby!! My how fast they grow!! Lucky, you got the first class treatment (aka a wheelchair) ;)

  2. You look freaking fabulous! I didn't look half as awesome as you did while being wheeled out of the hospital. I'm a little jealous. lol
    Time sure flies when you're busy being head-over-heels in love, doesn't it? He's such a cutie. I love seeing his little face in my Twitter stream every day. :)

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  3. Thank you ladies! I am a bit puffy there! xoxo

  4. You look fantastic! And so happy. My coming home picture is not so pretty...

  5. You look like a supermodel! I hate you. Mine looks like someone force-fed me donuts for 9 months then beat the shit out of me for 24 hours then put a baby in my arms. You look like you just came back from the MAC counter after a spa day (even though I KNOW it was NOTHING like that, but you look like a million bucks). Did I mention you're pretty?

    9 months... Wow... I'm just over the top happy for you guys! Baby D is a dream, as are you, and I'm sure your hubs is nice too. <3 XOXO!

  6. I agree with did you look so good coming out of the hospital? Beautiful baby, beautiful mama!
