Tuesday, November 2, 2010

CSN Store.

Following different blogs in this blogosphere has introduced me to some really great people, as well as websites! Recently I have been looking for a coffee table for our living room since ours is not very baby friendly! I have crawler now! I am also constantly on the lookout for some cute baby clothes, home decor and baby toys and CSN Stores has all these things and SO MUCH more. This site is your one shop stop for almost anything and everything you could want or need. I love this!

I have also been wanting a tray for our Stokke Tripp Trapp highchair ever since Baby D has been starting to feed himself. While I love this high chair almost as much as I love Twitter, *gasp*, the baby needs a tray for his chair as much as I need a latte everyday to get moving! Either that or I buy a dog to clean up the mess that is created when it is meal time due to not having a tray to catch some of the remnants of dinner. I don't think the dog will go over well with the husband or the cats.

CSN was kind enough to give me the opportunity to do a review for them and you can guarantee it will be for a tray for my beloved baby and his Stokke!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the review! We never did the tray but if (big if) we ever have a baby #2 I'd highly consider it! We relied heavily on the dog to vaccuum up mucho crumbs with our Stokke and, well, #unsanitary! :) ps. My fave line, "While I love this high chair almost as much as I love Twitter, *gasp*" (I totally gasped) :)
