Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks.

As we celebrated Thanksgiving Thursday, I looked back on the year and all that I am thankful for.
What a year this has been and what a difference a year makes.

7 months pregnant.

And now we have a 10 month old baby to add to the dinner table!

It has been an amazing year for our family that started with the birth of Baby D in January. Being a parent has been such a blessing and has made me thankful for every single day I have with him. I am forever grateful for my family and friends who have helped me through this tough road we call parenthood. I have hit a few bumps along the way but without their help I would have never been able to look back on the past year and count my blessing, big and small.

I am thankful for the many friends I have made on Twitter. It seems so odd to say that I have "friends" on the Internet, but I really do. I consider some of the mama's I have met on Twitter some good friends. In fact, I would rather spend time with some of them over my IRL friends! That is nuts, I know, but so so true. Many have helped me through some tough times and they don't even know it. They have given me advice when I needed it most and have helped me to see different sides to parenting. All have been helpful in some way and for that I will forever be thankful.

Thursday we sat at our family table and ate our turkey, ham, green bean and potato casseroles, and rolls I was able to say that I am thankful for EVERY SINGLE THING that has happened this year, good or bad. Every occurrence is a learning experience and the only way to grow is to learn from each experience and take away something positive from it. That is just what I vowed to do. Take all that comes my way and make the most of it.

I hope y'all had a Happy Thanksgiving with friends and family and counted your blessings.

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