Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.

It's Christmas time in our little humble abode! This is my favorite holiday and I go ALL OUT every year. As I was growing up, my mom did the same. There was not a shortage of Christmas spirit in our house. Our house was lit up like the Griswalds. Well, maybe short a few strands of lights, but it was lit up!
We now have a baby and wow do things change.

Adding a baby to the family last January means that I have a little guy that is all over the place! And a little guy that has little hands that like to grab!

This year I decided I didn't want to mess with a big tree, worry about ornaments being broken, a tree knocked over and most off all I didn't want a freakin baby gate around my tree. Our place is SMALL and add a baby gate around a tree and we are talking claustrophobic.
So I dug out our small little "Charlie Brown" tree, as I so lovingly call it, and fluffed it up and made it a tree for Baby D!
I bought cheap, soft ornaments at Target and covered the tree with them in case we had a tree incident! I also had a few ornaments I bought when we found out we were having a baby.
I love owls and D's nursery is owl themed so there are a few of those on the tree, as well!

I will always have a tree for Baby D and any other kids we have. I love this tradition and want to keep it around for as long as they think it is cool! I am guessing the teen years will be hard to sell!

Baby D and his tree.

We called Baby D "The Peach" until he was born. I read Baby Center and The Bump while pregnant, and they always compared the baby week to week to fruits and veggies. I could never keep up with what he was from week to week so I went with "The Peach" from week 16 to week 40!

Target finds.

We all know and love Emily from Uff Da Designs. She makes super adorbs headbands, hats, and clips.
I was so excited when she agreed to make a little owl for Baby D!

More owl finds.
The little red owl on the left I found on Etsy.
The one in the middle was from Target in their big bin of cheap ornaments. I think this guy was a dolla! Holla!
The owl on the right was made by Robin also on Etsy.

Baby D got Elf on the Shelf for Christmas. I am so stoked to do this next year.

We are now in Texas and my mom decided she wanted to put up a big tree for the baby.
Guess who is distracting said baby from tree?
Not me!

Merry Christmas friends!

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