Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Baby D.

A year ago today I brought this precious little life into this world.

A year ago today I became a mama to a beautiful baby boy.

A year ago today my life turned upside down, inside out, and all around.

A year ago today I found out what it meant to love with all your heart.

Baby D,
Your smile melts my heart.
Your laugh is contagious.
Your hug I never want to forget.

This past year with you has been an amazing roller coaster ride and one that I enjoyed every second of.
A year that I wished would never end is finally here and I am so sad to see it go. But I am so proud of all that you have done this year!

You walk everywhere now. Soon you will running after those cats.

You love to eat! I wonder where you get that from?!? We are still working on you liking more veggies, but for the most part you will eat it all.

Smiling is second nature to you. You can light up a room with that smile and those dimples.

You have your mom's personality and your dad's warm heart.
You are feisty already and I know we will have our hands full with you!

You are so smart and so observant, too. You take it all in with those little wise eyes of yours.
Books are your favorite and this started at one month old. We would read to you every night and now you go get your books for us to read to you.

There are so many things you do on a daily basis that amaze me and I'm constantly in awe by all you do.
You make being a mama the greatest gift I have ever received.

Happy birthday to my Baby D!
I love you more than you could ever imagine. You bring more love and joy into my life. More than I ever thought possible and I look forward to all that is to come with you and all that you will be.
I love you sweet boy!

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