Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter ONEderland First Birthday Party - Food Edition

We celebrated Baby D's first birthday this past Saturday and had a wonderful day with friends and family! We had family and friends from Texas join all our friends here for the big day. We had about 45 people in my 1000 square foot apartment! It was bananas, but Baby D enjoyed every second of the attention!

The idea for a Winter ONEderland party was the last on the list of ideas but I kept coming back to it! In the end I am so glad we went with this theme. It was so fun! I don't know if I will ever have another winter baby so I knew I needed to do this.

I am dividing this birthday post into two parts due to an epic amount of pictures. Also so I don't bore people with details!

First off the most important part of any party...THE FOOD!

Lots of food and drinks were on the menu.
Veggies, dip, fruit, various cheeses and crackers, as well as "warm" and "cold" foods like Mac-N-Cheese, Pigs in a Blanket, and Cold cuts were on the table.
I found the snowman trays at Target and the red and white snowflake bowls I bought at Crate and Barrel on clearance after Christmas.

Homemade Mac N Cheese and Pigs in a Blanket were the "warm" foods.

"Keep Your Piggies Warm"........

"Cold" Cuts.......
I bought deli meat and smeared Laughing Cow Cheeses in different flavors on them.

The drink table had wine, sparkling soda, regular soda, and juice for the kids.
The wine scarves were from Crate and Barrel and were actually gift tags but I used them for the bottles!

Winter would not be complete without hot chocolate.
The idea for a Hot Chocolate Bar came to me one night when I couldn't sleep (per usual) but I contemplated the idea because LA weather can be a bit persnickety. Well I was right! It was 80 freakin' degrees that day, but we had all the fixings for a super fab Hot Chocolate Bar AND people actually drank it!

Ghiradelli Hot Cocoa mix was used, as well as a bunch of different toppings.
I had Peppermint Stirrers that melted in the cocoa and lots of different sprinkles, peppermint syrup, mini chocolate chips, crushed animal crackers, and peanut butter cups.
For the grown ups, Peppermint Schnapps and Baileys!

The super amazing sugar cookies are from The Cookie Jar. They were so good! I am not a huge fan of frosted cookies but I saw these on their site and they went with the theme so I went for it. I was sweating out the arrival of these cookies! They were being delivered from Long Island during the big snow storm and sat on a truck for a day or two. They arrived on Friday night at 8 pm!

A candy/dessert buffet was part of the take home treat for people.
I had cellophane bags to stuff with candy. The kids loved this!
I bought some candy via a wholesale online store and some at Target. I stuck with the colors of the party. Lots of reds, whites and blues.
The containers for some of the candy were from the LA Flower Market and are actually vases.
Others were my dinner bowls and appetizer plates.
The table cloths are from Target, as well.

Although I am sure I could have made a cake for the party, I didn't want to be in charge of this on the day!
I knew I wanted an igloo with some little penguins and went to a few cake shops around LA asking if they could make something like that. 225 dollar quotes were being thrown out at me like I was Tori Spelling and could afford that non-sense!
In the end my friend who is a chef made the cake and cupcakes. I was so happy with the way it all turned out! The cake was amazing and everyone loved it!

The cupcake toppers were part of a package I bought on Etsy.
I used a dye cut to cut out the toppers and glued them to toothpicks. The lollypop sticks I had intended to use were to big.

The cake was a banana bread type cake with a buttercream frosting. The cucpakes were vanilla, chocolate and red velvet with the same frosting.

The take home gift for the family was a Mason Jar of Moose Tracks I made on Friday.
I used pinking sheers to cut the material for the top and the "Thank You" tag was part of the package from Etsy that was tied with white cording.

Up next....
The decor! Stay tuned!

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