Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend Amusement. #1.

I am not going to do a "What I Wore" post because well, honestly I usually look craptastic and no one cares that I got my shirt at Forever21 or my jeans at the Gap. I am not a fashion plate and on a good day I can barely get it together. I blame the fact that I haven't lost all my baby weight AND I love to drink wine and eat cupcakes. There I said it!
So with that being said....This is Weekend Amusement.

Saturday we hit up the Farmer's Market for some breakfast, a stroll around The Grove and to pick up some yummy stuff for our Super Bowl Sunday get together.
It is no secret I LOVE The Farmer's Market and The Grove. We are there almost every weekend picking out produce, meat, etc and eating breakfast. The crepes there are to die for and I found a great diner that serves amazing omelette's.

We occasionally pick up Famous Bob's Donuts that you can't walk past without drooling.

Produce is always so amazing and so good!
We never leave without picking up some good fruit or veggies.
Look at those melons! <----I had to put that in there. My hubs says that EVERY TIME we walk past the melon area. He really is in his 30's. I swear!

My trip to The Grove is never complete without a look see in Anthropologie. Didn't find anything I wanted, but I did like smelling all the yummy candles and such!

Baby D is infatuated with the water fountain at The Grove. I like to call it "The Mini Bellagio" fountain if you will.
Nothing brings a smile to this face quicker than saying "do you want to go see the fountain?" Seriously, he knows this! Genius!

It honestly was a perfect Saturday that ended with Thai food and Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt!

Sunday we had some friends over to watch the Superbowl.
Well actually to eat and drink. I mean who really watches the Superbowl?!? It is all about the commercials and food! At least it is at my house.
It was AMAZING! So. so good and so easy! I highly recommend this recipe to you all. It will not disappoint.

from left to right : pulled pork, margaritas,
pulled pork and shrimp taco fixings,
and a huge mess thanks to babies!

We had some cocktails with friends, played with our kids, and watched the game. Honestly though, I couldn't tell you who won the game or what commercial was the best. The Super Bowl is not the same anymore with a baby!

This weekend was fantastic and just what my little family needed. We get too wrapped up in things at time and forget to do a lot of special, fun family things. These things will last a lifetime in the memory bank.

How did you spend your weekend?

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