Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wine Wednesday Awesomeness Week 2!

See this?!?

That's an empty bottle.

Why is it empty you ask?!?
BECAUSE THIS WINE ISSS AWWWESOOOOME! <--- said just like Oprah would on her crazy "Favorite Things" show!

Enter Week 2 of Wine Wednesday and the wine I consumed was Middle Sister's Sauvignon Blanc. THIS wine did not disappoint! This little, lovely bottle has crept into the top 5 fav wines for me. AND you can buy it at Target! Since that is my home away from home, this is huge for me. Wine Win!

I chose this wine for a various reasons:
1-I was at Target and it was on sale for 9.99. Under my 12 dollar rule!
2-I was serving The Pioneer Woman's Penne Alla Betsy for some friends and family on Valentine's Day/my mom's birthday, and I was looking for a white whine to pair with seafood.
3-The label was super cute! Yes, I chose a wine based on how cute the label was. Such a girl thing!

I am glad I "girled out" and chose a cute labeled wine otherwise I would have been denied the awesomeness that is Middle Sister Surfer Chic.
The first glass was consumed while I was cooking. Everyone drinks while cooking right? Because I was drinking and cooking, I really didn't get the smell of the wine thanks to some serious onions and garlic on my stove top.
My second glass was consumed at dinner and I really got to taste and smell the wine. At the risk of sounding completely lame, it tasted like a citrus tree and some good fruit! And bonus, it wasn't too dry. It was also good warm. (back to my rule on wines being warm and still yummy) It was crisp and light and so easy going down.

I honestly think you all will love this wine. It is a lot different than last weeks in that it doesn't have a very sophisticated flavor if that makes sense. This wine is a great one to have with some girlfriends, a night in watching a movie with your hubs, or on the beach hence the Surfer Chic theme to it.

Most importantly this wine would be perfect paired with chocolate. And well,I did just that! I needed to make sure my instinct was correct. It was!

I give Middle Sister's Sauvignon Blanc 5 corks and will for sure be talking this wine up to people! Go out and try it for yourself and come back here and let me know what you think!
Have a good week, enjoy your wine, and cheers!

We’re trying something new, and doing a link up! Link up to a post about what wine you drank this week and check out the rest of the fabulous Wine Wednesday Posts! Also grab the Wine Wednesday button to the right to represent! Make sure you check out the posts at Bringing Up Bronwyn, Tidbits Parenting, and Baby Baby Lemon!

i do not condone excessive use of alcohol. drink at your own risk.
this is strictly for fun and for my blog. i did not get paid for this review and bought the bottle on my own.
if middle sister wants to send me a lifetime supply though, i am cool with that.

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