Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wine Wednesday Awesomeness Week 3!

Well here we are again.
3 weeks of drinking wine and writing about it. 3 bottles of wine under 12 dollars that have been consumed and enjoyed. 3 blog posts written about the love of white wine and all its yumminess. Eventually I was going to hit a bump in the road and find one I don't like right?
WELL NOT THIS WEEK! Once again I have found another white wine under 12 bucks that is rad.

Enter Procrastinate Take 5 California Wine a nice white wine right at 10 dollars.

I am still in Texas visiting family and friends and picked up this sexy little bottle at H.E.B., a big grocery store chain here. I am hoping I can find it back in Cali when I get back.

This wine was awesome for many reasons, but perhaps the best is one
that it is a screw top!

And everytime I open a screw top I can't help but sing this.
True story.

This wine was really good. It was a nice, crisp white with a ton of fruity flavors. It's like an explosion of Fruity Pebbles in your mouth without that greasy feeling on the top of said mouth! I love me some FP's but the grease I could do without!

There were lots of fruity aromomas, as well. From the moment I twisted off the top and smelled the open bottle I got lots of hints of mangos, apples, and some grapefruit. It had a little bit of carbonation in my opinion, too. That carbonation made it a bit "sharp" if you will with the first few sips but the after taste was really good and went down smoothly. It was almost like a spritzer without the nasty hangover feel you are sure to get.

I had one glass with a pulled pork sandwich and that was not the best idea. Those 2 combos were no bueno. Therefore I wouldn't really take it to a BBQ. I would however take it to a nice party during the day, or to Sangria Sunday's at my friends house and add some fresh fruit and champagne to it.

The second glass I had while writing this post and not adding any food to it and it was still really good. It sat for awhile when I was getting Baby D ready for bed and it wasn't as tasty warm as I was hoping, BUT I added an ice cube (can't waste wine!) and it was good to go!

Overall this wine wasn't mind blowing, but I did like it a lot. For 10 dollars I think you get your money's worth, as well.
I give Procrastinate Take 5 4 corks. It is an over all good white with lots of fruity flavors and aromas. It is sure to be a hit at a girls brunch, a nice afternoon cocktail, or even a night in watching Jersey Shore which I will be doing in 5, 4, 3, 2....

Have a good week, enjoy your wine, and cheers!

Lindsey at Tidbits Parenting is reviewing another white this week, and Kimberly at Party of Five And Counting is on board this week reviewing a red. Next week we will be back to normal with Eileen at Bringing Up Bronwyn doing a red. She was out of town this week and I guess she couldn't show up hungover to her work meetings! :D

i do not condone excessive use of alcohol. drink at your own risk.
Party this is strictly for fun and for my blog. i did not get paid for this review and bought the bottle on my own.
if procrastinate take 5 wants to send me a lifetime supply though, i am cool with that.

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