Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wine Wednesday Awesomeness Week 5!

Hello Wine Lovers!!! Happy Wine Wednesday!

This week's wine is brought to you by New Zealand's own Starborough Marlborough Sauvigon Blanc 2009. This bottle is from the New Zealand region of Marlborough, hence the name. I am usually an Aussie/New Zealand wine lover so I was stoked about this bottle.
Starborough was a $9.99 bottle of wine and came from my beloved Cost Plus, which has a bevy of wine selections. This store is awesome for not only wine but foods from all over the world! Their candy selection is A-mazing!.

Ok, back to what you came here for. There is no beating around the bush here people. I DID NOT love this wine. In fact I really didn't even LIKE it. That is saying a lot from me the self professed white wine lovah!

My first sip of this screw top wine went like this.....
Screwed open bottle of wine.
Pulled out glass.
Smelled said bottle.
Poured said wine.
Smelled said wine in said glass.
Swirled said wine.
Sip. Swish. Swallow. Sour Face!

Immediately this wine stuck to the back of my throat and I hate that about wines! Also, it was too pungent right off the bat. It has a pretty fruity, citrus smell and actually is a pretty strong smell, as well. I let it sit out for just a bit and that still didn't help! All I tasted were oranges, grapefruit, and vinegar.

I have hit a milestone here on Wine Wednesday! I have found a wine that I DON'T like! *collective gasp*

So I will use this wine when I need white wine for cooking. It needs to be consumed somehow but it won't be by me enjoying some cheese, crackers and a Tivoed 30 Rock!
Sorry Starborough but I am not a fan!
I give this wine 1 cork because I honestly can't give it none. The best thing about it was the price. AND...that is about it!

Have a good week, enjoy your wine, and cheers!

Did you write a wine post this week? If so, link your post below and share the wine love with everyone!

i do not condone excessive use of alcohol. drink at your own risk.
Party this is strictly for fun and for my blog. i did not get paid for this review and bought the bottle on my own.
if starborough wants to send me a lifetime supply though, i will have to say no thanks!

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