Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Weekend In Pictures.

You guys, we had the best weekend!!!
After a few weekends of doing so much stuff around our house, the hubs working crazy hours, and just the general not enough time to do things, this weekend was actually a nice change of pace!

Saturday we spent the morning lounging in PJ's, sippin coffee, and playing with Baby D.
We did lots of book reading and truck races!

I also got a haircut! YAY!
After contemplating the shortness of my hair every other day, I finally bit the bullet and just did it! Not that my hair was ever super long to begin with. I was just getting sick of the same look and mostly the same ponytail. I needed a change and this was perfect for me!

After the haircut I went to Trader Joe's to get some yummies for dinner. We made carnitas tacos and black beans and Baby D ate it up. After being on a semi food strike I was so grateful he actually filled his belly with more than puffs and watermelon!

Sunday we got up early, the norm around here, and went to The Farmers Market for breakfast and to pick up some stuff for dinner that night.
I am a big fan of Phil's Deli and their breakfast. The hashbrowns...ZOMG!

After breakfast we walked around The Farmer's Market and let Baby D run around The Grove and get some exercise and burn off some steam! We were there so early! The Grove was pretty empty. Makes it much easier to run around this way!

This picture melts my heart.....

D napped and B went to play soccer. I did a few things around the house waiting for the little guy to wake up. Thank goodness for long naps!

We have a pretty awesome rooftop deck and the spring heat is upon us in LA. What better time than to take advantage of a nice evening on the roof!? We took some trucks and balls out for D and we played while the hubs BBQ'd.
It was such a beautiful afternoon.
We had some Sangria, soaked up the sun, played with D and enjoyed the evening.

B made a yummy tri-tip and some corn on the grill.
Add hericot verts to that and I am in a food coma!

I love weekends like this! Yes it is exhausting chasing a toddler around all week and when the weekend comes there are times when you just want to hang out and not do much. Those days are great. But the days where we spend time together as a family and have so much fun together out weigh the other days hands down!
Hope you all had a great weekend!

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