Sunday, January 22, 2012

weekly photo dump!

lots of pictures taken this week thanks to my new phone.
i am slightly obsessed with picture taking and my iPhone takes this obsession to a whole new level. i can't get enough of this camera. it is amazing and so clear!!

so this is what we did this week!

saturday was Declan's 2nd birthday party, the real birthday was wednesday.
we celebrated with lots of friends and family and had a great day.
*blog post coming soon, i swear!*

sunday we recovered from the party mayhem.
hot cocoa and a piece of birthday cake made the laryngitis that i got a little better. 

after a big party comes all the clean up!
monday was "clean up the rest of the party stuff" day.
i always hate to take down fun decorations. also, thoughts on what to do with all of this gorgeous garland. I don't want to trash it!

tuesday my mom and i had a little girl time and went to brunch at botegga louie where i nommed on meatball sliders and macarons. seriously some of the best macarons i've ever consumed! 

wednesday was d's real birthday and we celebrated with a trip to pretend city, lunch, and then out to dinner at cpk. this kid loves mac-n-cheese!

thursday we opened the last of the gifts and played with rody, the current favorite gift! 
i also tried some chocolate wine for a story i am writing for valentine's day for my other job at sugar loco. tough job, i know!

airplanes are a favorite for d, so on friday we went to watch them land at lax. there is a park right near in-n-out burger (convenient much) and we got burgers, sat at the park and ate and watched all the planes land! this never gets old for me. so much fun. and loud! whoa!

b and i had took full advantage of the grandparents in town and went on a date! we hit up a favorite korean style restaurant where you cook your own meal. after we went to the rooftop bar and had some fancy drinks and snuggled by the fire. it was actually kind of cold in la! 

bacon saturday! 
it pays to have friends that are chefs and give you free stuff. they cure and smoke their own bacon and we got to sample! so yum! 

  i also made some cookies for my mom and dad to take back to texas. they drove so obviously you need cookies for a road trip!

that was our week! 
looking forward to doing this more often. i like to catalogue what we did for the week. it also helps me actually remember that we did things! 
mom brain here!

i'm linking up with amy at a good life for her week in iPhone pics! 

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