Sunday, February 5, 2012

weekly photo dump! week 3

i am currently writing this while watching the super bowl halftime show like 5 hours late.
this is what happens when you have a toddler that doesn't like the tv on if it's not bubble guppies or sesame streets. come on! 

we had another fun week which consisted of a toddler still trying to give his mother gray hair by fighting her on naps, playing outside, and lots of coffee because *yawn* the no napping is exhausting these days!

sunday we went to the park with the intentions of enjoying the gorgeous weather and tiring out the small human. one of two things happened here. i will let you guess which one! i also did a little cleaning. nothing like a fresh set of sheets and a clean bathroom!

monday we went to target for some "essentials" (yeah right!), some new chairs for our yard and then to the grocery for some dinner fixings. d wore his sunglasses in the car and he looked adorable, per usual. 
honey butter pork was not the menu. so good you guys! i wrote about it here. you will love it! i also drank some wine with dinner out of my new wine glass that i won from johnna. i love it! 

the morning consisted of some outdoor time and lounging my our new chairs with iced coffee, some sticker time which ended in a meltdown because apparently stickers on his skin is no bueno! nap time didn't happen so i went to the grocery store for some milk and ended up buying a reese's egg and diet coke. that right there, was a highlite of the day! 
wednedsday we hit up the getty museum for some running around, culture, and a tram ride. we had so much fun! it was a gorgeous day and pretty clear so we could see all the way to the ocean! the tram ride was a huge hit but d loved the kid room just as much. i highly recommend this museum whether you are there for art or just architecture. it's awesome! and.....the toddler napped!! 
even more awesome!
we love cpk and their mac-n-cheese, so lunch was just that. we did lots of coloring and drawing with our new color pack from my godmother. so cute right? and we ate the heck out of some mac-n-cheese and pizza. the white pizza is to die for! then we came home for some playing outside and a little sesame street. dinner was a bust for d, so b and i ate gyozos from trader joes. yep. that's all we ate and we loved every second of it! the perk of being a grownup!
friday we finally went back to gymboree and met up with d's friend. being away from gymboree for awhile made for a happy toddler when we arrived. also, holy smokes he can do some much more than he could a month ago! craziness! still likes to eat bubbles though. after gymboree we watched some la traffic from some huge glass windows at the mall. this is a highlight of this boys day. he loves traffic. good thing baby boy, because la has a lot of it! after traffic watching we went to the pet store where we oohed and aahed over a dogs we will never have because we have 2 cats that would eat them!
park playmates are our favorite so saturday we met up with our friends and had a 2 hour playdate where the boys ran around, chased a squirrel, "rode" the dino, and basically wore themselves out. that was awesome! i went to coffee bean for a late afternoon pick me up and then made homemade lasagna which oh my gah, so good! also, i cut a bazillion hearts in hopes of completing my valentine's day cards on time!

next week - operation tire out the toddler! we have got to get this boy back to napping. it's my mission!!

i am linking up with amy for another week of photos! 

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