Sunday, March 18, 2012

weekly photo dump. week 9.

what a nice week we had!! 
we did a few things together and then brandon went back to work and it was just me and the little guy!
we enjoyed the extra sunshine with a nice walk, some raspberry lemonade margaritas, and lots of bubbles! i might be the only one who likes daylight savings. i love the extra sunshine in the evenings. especially when we live in a city that is sunny 90% of the time!
tuesday brandon had a morning work call and once that was done we decided to head to lacma to see the levitated mass start up, check out the kid painting room, and have some lunch. the restaurant didn't have a high chair so d sat in a big boy chair and ate his crackers and fruit. he loved it and was so good! brandon and i shared a pizza and some wine. it was such a great day and i was sad to see it end since brandon goes back to work wednesday. 
wednesday started with some morning cartoons and then we were off to have a play date and lunch with a some friends. d and paige played and ran around so much that he feel asleep after lunch not 5 minutes into the car ride! that night we perfected the shampoo mohawk and this one was one of the best to date! 
thursdays at the grove is "kids club" day where they have musical guests and stuff for kids to do. we had a great lunch, listened to some music, walked around and did some window shopping and finished it off with a Jamba Juice and a trolly ride. we love the grove and the farmer's market and there is always something fun to do there! 
friday we hit up gymboree for some playtime and after we watched some traffic and counted buses while d snacked on snap peas! after a nap we had some facetime with leah, d's girlfriend! it was the cutest thing i have ever seen!! they were so happy to see each other and d laughed as leah ran around her house! they are so cute together. 
that evening there was some pie tasting for work! not a bad gig! 
today was full of rain and birthday parties. we celebrated 2 birthdays and had a great time seeing some friends. d fell in love with a kitchen set a both places and was in tears when we left. guess we will be buying a kitchen soon! 
that evening we had some green beer to celebrate st. patrick's day, which by the way is just another day when you have kids!

hope you all had a great week! 
as usual, i am linking up with amy for a good life.

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