Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh.

My friend is in the hospital right now awaiting the arrival of her sweet baby girl. I am so anxious one would think it was me having the baby!

I remember the feelings I had when I spread the news that I was going into labor on Friday only to tell everyone that it was a false alarm. Only to tell them again on Sunday "this is it!" Only to once again send a text saying "They sent me home!" with one of those sad face emoticons at the end of the message.

Finally on Monday they got the real message.....
"I swear I am not the girl who cried wolf! This is really it! Either that or this is one sick joke my baby was trying to play on me!" I texted.
The joy, excitement, and the "just breath" messages relayed back to me was what kept me going through some crazy, intense back labor. I knew eventually this baby would have to come out and meet the world! God lord I hoped so!

As my friend spread the word today I had THAT feeling. That feeling that everyone else had for me. That complete and utter butterflies in your stomach, smiling from here to there, wanting to skip around the house, kind of joy. The kind of love and happiness you have for someone who is about to embark on the greatest journey of their life is amazing, and in that moment I thought, wow, this is how my friends felt for me.

It's truly magical what the news of a baby will do for people. I realized then how lucky I was for that love and friendship. How blessed I truly am to have people that care so much for me, my family, and at the time, my unborn baby.

So as I wait for the call that the baby has arrived, my candle is lit. Burning with nothing but love for a new mama to be and a precious baby girl that is about to enter a world full of people that adore every single ounce of her.


  1. So sweet. So exciting! I am SO excited for your new arrival and can picture you skipping around the house! Sending warm, peaceful thoughts for the new mama and papa, too. Yay for D's new playmate!

  2. Dude, I wish I could skip! More like crawl around, if that!
    Thank you! We are excited for them. Just to be part of parenthood for them is amazing but to be able to share it with them, bonus!

  3. So sweet to be able to share in the birth of a child, even via text! Warm wishes to the new mama and daddy for their new little blessing :)

    (AKA: ElliaCNaturals)

  4. So true, and I love that you found her candle! The blog looks so cute Alana!!!
