Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday. Monkey Business.


  1. I don't know what's cuter: D or the hat! Well obviously D is cuter! But that hat is so freaking cute! That monkey is having a mouthful of cuteness right now. (my brain can only think of one adjective for this and it's "cute") <3

  2. The hat is from Janie and Jack. My mom's purchase. Loves it!

  3. Ack, I LOVE Janie and Jack! They don't have one in Tucson but up in Phoenix. We got Otto these brown, plaid corduroy pants for this winter. You should check out Flora and Henri sometime you feel like drooling over expensive ridiculously pretty baby clothes, also gorgeous! A friend told me about them and I've regretted it ever since because #cantafford :)
